Thursday, June 6, 2013

Egg Free Pancakes!

Okay, so you all may not be as excited as I am but I tried a new recipe tonight for pancakes without egg. And, for those of you who are not aware, my son can not have egg therefore I've been trying to figure out breakfast foods he can have. So, here we have it....

Egg-free pancakes
Photography by Ben Dearnley via - image is linked to original recipe

slightly adapted for us conversions and my taste
2 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups milk
3 tbsp butter (melted)
4 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp vanilla extract

Combine flour, sugar, and baking soda.
Create well and pour milk, butter, vinegar, and vanilla in.
Mix together (I left a couple clumps)
Pour into pan, flip when they bubble and then serve.

The original recipe was 1/2 of this and called for 1/4 cup of sugar. Some of the reviews stated that the pancakes were a bit on the sweet side so when I doubled it I went with 1/3 instead of 1/2 cup. They came out plenty sweet.

As soon as Andrew tasted these he said he loved them. I have to say (along with many of the reviews at taste.come/au) that these taste better than a lot of the pancake recipes I've tried with egg so they are definitely going to become the pancake of choice here.

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